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Caution! In Destiny 2, you have disadvantages if your hardware is too good

Indestiny 2 are becoming more and more curious bugs on the light, which apparently can not fix bungie. Only the Min / Max Glitch and now a Derber FPS error. The punishment all players who have powerful PCs or consoles, with an extra portion damage.

Destiny 2 has changed a lot since his first release. Many details in the game are now visually revised. Sound and graphics were gradually improved. With the Content Vault, Bungie has also become faster when remedying game errors.

But at the moment it hapert in the longer-term troubleshooting:

Players used for months undisturbed the so-called Min / Max Glitch Bungie locks Telesto, but forgets an essential trials mode Overhead champions continue to play crazy and can not be disturbed

5 quick tips to improve your aim at any FPS For the players it looks like Bungie is currently not entirely in the matter. This also shows the latest FPS error. What sounds like a bad joke is none.

In Destiny 2, it s bad to have a good hardware

Actually, more fps are a cool thing. Unlike you are currently Destiny 2. There, the players deliberately ensure that they have as little fps as possible.

What is understood under FPS? : FPS stands for frames per second , pictures per second. The FPS value indicates how many pictures appear on a screen per second and therefore, how liquid the picture is running. Often, the frame rate (frame rate) is the speech. So it depends on your hardware, whether you can game a game liquid or not. In the gaming area, it is often crucial to achieve a high FPS number.

Where exactly is the problem? The FPS error meets especially hard players who have powerful PCs or consoles. So all those who put a lot of value on a high FPS number. How hard exactly shows the Destiny 2 players vivid in the vanguard strike testing grounds :

The player SKDKitsune describes it in reddit like this:

After my understanding, the projectiles arrange tick damage when penetrating the body and these ticks are registered more frequently at higher frame rates. [...] I thought the times we bound our game physics and mechanics to the frame rate are long ago, but unfortunately I was taught a better.

What does Bungie say? The community has pointed out the Bungie Support 7 months ago. Bungies Community Manager DMG04 has also reacted quickly and communicated to have forwarded the error to the support. But he was not fixed until today.

The bungie can be time for so long has possibly a very specific reason. This is where the Reddit User tie cyceism:

The engine was designed for a game that was limited to consoles of the last generation with 30 fps, so it had to make sense at that time. Only with PC porting in Forsaken and new consoles became a problem that is probably so deep in the foundation that it will now be hell to fix it.

That s why players drastically reduce their fps

As long as this FPS error is not resolved by Bungie, players now reduce their frame rate upper limit in Destiny s settings menu 2. So you can easily reduce the incoming damage.

Almost infinite survival is therefore no problem, as long as your frame rate does not matter. Destiny 2 is the only shooter where you should start screwing the FPS at the moment.

The players take it left: As in the Destiny 2-Reddit Orangpelupa asks: If I go down to 10 fps, so I ll be invincible? , OwerLordthelord answers, 1 FPS and you are the next Raid Boss!

Bungie will make some changes with an update on 07. December. Among them different Nerfs for Stasis and Exotics. It would be a good time to consistently tackle this FPS error before the new extension 2022.

Have these enormous fluctuations in Damage have also noticed? And would you tell you that this makes a few inexplicable deaths understandable because they may be due to FPS fluctuations? Or do you already plays deliberately with 30-60 FPS for this survival advantage?


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