The two-time world champion Gary Anderson stands at the Darts World Cup in the London Alexandra Palace in the quarterfinals. In the duel of two former champions, the Scottish last year's finalist against 2018 winner Rob Cross from England in a thriller with 4: 3 through. Even James Wade and Peter Wright continued one round. The world-wide world rank-listingly Anderson, which after a 3-1 leadership, began to shake again, not only the slightly better point cut (97.0) as Cross (93.4), he also checked in the third set with 170 Points the highest possible finish. In the ninth World Cup quarterfinals of his career waiting for the New Year's Day Luke Humphries (England). The last round of the tournament won the Scot Wright against Ryan Earle (England) 4: 1. In the new edition of the final of the Players Championship Finals, the Wright had also won, the world champion of 2020 had little chance of his opponent and now meets Surprise Man Allan Ry dz. Before that, Wade against the D...