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LOL: These are the favorite skills of the players according to a gigantic survey

Taking only champions into account, League of Legends has approximately 825 unique skills. An enormous number that will continue to increase with the launch of K’Santa and other future characters. However, it is relatively easy to organize all these elements from a gameplay point of view creating categories such as area damage, adversaries control, healing or shield. It is true that some magic available in the game can enter more than one section, but a few players who carried out a study wanted to take advantage of this simplification to answer a more difficult question than it seems: what kind of skills Do you prefer the community?

The skills that the League of Legends community most like

Although recognizing that supports are somewhat more represented than the rest of the positions for a very interesting phenomenon (which we will clarify) and that the results specifically represent the Reddit Fan Community of League of Legends, the survey offers extraordinary data. Basically, players were allowed to choose several categories of spells and then group them and create a ranking with their favorite skills that offered the following results. Keep in mind that there were 4,981 respondents that could choose multiple options under a question about their favorite game mechanics.


The truth is that the results are quite striking, especially in the case of Mobility . Flash being the most used element of League of Legends and mobility skills the most similar tool that can appear in the champions' skills kit, one might expect the community to have a little more affection for them. Nor were we waiting for the importance that players give to control of adversaries , that 65% of the players pointed out as one of their favorite mechanics. Above damage to an objective (55.1%) or healing (69.2%).

As for the favorite of the community, here we have not been surprised. The effect skills usually combine all the best of League of Legends. Let's put for example Nil ah's case, which is capable of harming, healing and applying control effects. A whole at the same time that League of Legends players love and offers impressive moments. The same goes for many other spells, which also allow enemies to control or move faster. In general, it is a mechanics used in countless definitive, and it is normal that it is the most important for many.

The only problem we can find in the survey is one that we have already mentioned before: Supports are overrepresented. This means that they suppose a percentage of the total respondents too high compared to their weight within the community. However, it is not an error of the creators of the study or something that has an easy solution. The background has shown that players in this position are much more predisposed to respond surveys than those of any other. A curiosity that was worth highlighting since the players who support us in the crack also do so in the real world (and we think that is pretty).

Before saying goodbye, we also wanted to know what the least favorite skills of the League of Legends community were. In this case we have to talk about those that restart after a decrease or assistance , which have only been indicated as an interesting mechanic by 26.9% of the players. Everything is said, it is a fairly exclusive type of spells that some fans have. Otherwise, no one would bet on Katarina, Khan’six or Tristan.



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